The MCC Forums are a great place to hang out, chat with other members of the community and discuss both the big moments of the MCC event and all the weird and wonderful moments of MCC Island.
Your forum profile is a reflection of you and how you want to be seen by the community, so here's a little guide showing you how to edit your profile to reflect your best self!
❗ Please note that Forum usernames, profile pictures and descriptions are subject to the Noxcrew Community Code of Conduct. If your profile breaks these rules, it will be altered by the MCC Forum moderation team, and you may be warned or removed from the forums
To edit your profile, click your profile picture in the top right of the forums, open the settings category, and choose Account details. There you'll be able to alter your username, profile picture and profile banners to whatever suits your style!
The Privacy tab allows you to decide who on the forums can see your profile details, start conversations with you and receive your newsfeed
Preferences allow you to choose how the forum looks, set your profile's timezone and set options regarding our newsletter, when you want the forums to contact you and what about.
It also covers your notifications, allowing you to specify when and how you'd like to receive notifications for actions on the forum.
The Following and Ignoring tabs detail which community members you've chosen to follow and which ones you've blocked from seeing