<aside> ๐Ÿ‘‹ Welcome to The MCC Island Help Centre! We're here to answer your questions.

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โ”Common Questions

What is MCC Island?

How do I join MCC Island?

I found a bug, how do I report it?

Is the MCC Island Server down?

Where to find MCC Island updates

Will you add new games to MCCI?

Getting in touch with Noxcrew

๐Ÿ MCC Island Server

MCC Island Factions

Approved Minecraft Mods

MCC Island Battle Pass

MCC Island Game Passes

Questing on MCC Island

MCC Island Currencies

Cores and Machines

MCC Island Cosmetics

Blueprint and Fusion Forging

Scavenging on MCC Island

๐ŸŽ–Rank and Staff

Ranks and how to get them

How do I get Creator Rank?

Does being good at MCCI get me into the MCC Event?

โš” Rules and Punishments

Community Code of Conduct

Appealing a punishment

Making a report

๐Ÿ‘‘ MCC Forums and Discord

Noxcrew Gateway FAQ

Modmail and how to use it

Forum Etiquette

Editing MCC Forum Profiles

Community Rep - Discord Role: What it is and how to apply

๐Ÿ“€ MCC Island Store

How do I use the MCC Store?

Payment Methods

Terms of Service


Cancelling an MCC Island Store subscription

Why hasnโ€™t my MCC+ auto-renewed?

๐Ÿ’พ Technical Issues

Connecting with a VPN

Optimising your connection

Improving your Performance

Updating Minecraft

Adding more RAM to Minecraft

Generating a Traceroute for MCCI Support

Generating an MTR for MCCI Support

โš  Legal Notices

Terms of Service

Privacy Policy

Data Deletion Requests